Copyright CBS – Dr Culber – Star Trek Discovery
09 – Dr. Hugh Culber
As this list demonstrates there have been many deaths throughout the history of Star Trek, but have any been as jarring as the death of fan favourite character Doctor Hugh Culber?
Discovery is full of deaths, and rightfully so for a series who’s first season splits time between an all out war with the Klingons and the brutal reality of the mirror universe, but as many deaths as we have seen there was just something particularly jarring about the death of Dr. Culbert at the hands of Ash Tyler.
Hugh marks a long overdue step forward in diversity for a series that prides its self on such things, and the expert portrayal of the character by Wilson Cruz brought him to life and made us care about him, and his relationship with Lt. Paul Stamets.
When he was on the verge of being discovered, and suffering from PTSD, Ash Tyler, aka Voq, lashed out in a sudden act of violence and broke Culbert’s neck, dropping him lifelessly to the floor. It’s a death that will not only stay with many fans, but ultimately have a profound impact on his partner, Paul Stamets for many years to come.