50 Actors Who Could Be The Next Star Trek Captain

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Karen Gillan

We’ve established that Star Trek has had a female captain before; however, Karen Gillan would be a much younger captain than Kate Mulgrew’s Kathryn Janeway. We don’t know yet where on the Star Trek timeline the new series will be set and we hope that gender equality issues have been sorted out this far in the future (see “dudes wearing dresses in season 1 of Star Trek: The Next Generation”).

However between Karen Gillan’s youth and gender there’s no doubt that those issues would not only have to be explored with some characters on the ship, but also with some alien races the crew would encounter.

One thing we saw in Gillan’s Amy Pond character on Doctor Who was that she didn’t care that she was young or the woman in the cast; she frequently took charge. This would be an interesting dynamic to explore on the bridge of a starship. Besides, a Star Trek captain with a Scottish accent would just be so much fun.

Next: Emily Mortimer