Mary McDonnell
Although some of the Star Trek movies were nominated for Oscars, and they actually won an award in 2010, we don’t think we’ve ever had an Oscar nominated actress star in the television series. Mary McDonnell has been nominated for an Oscar on 2 separate occasions, getting recognized for her work in Dances with Wolves and Passion Fish in the early 1990’s.
She is certainly a fantastic actress with many great credits in good movies. She also has a taste for space after starring in Battlestar Galactica between 2004 and 2009. I first thought she might make a great captain after seeing her work on Battlestar Galactica as the president. She was a great leader although divisive at times, and wouldn’t back away from a fight, even when the odds were against her.
She would be the second female in a Star Trek television series and she would certainly be a similar figure to Kate Mulgrew. She would be strong, decisive and wouldn’t back down, although we have a feeling that she would be more elegant than Janeway was.
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