50 Actors Who Could Be The Next Star Trek Captain

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Steven Michael Quezada

Steven Michael Quezada looks like an intimidating character and he would certainly run a tight ship if he was put in charge. He would have no qualms in bossing around the ensigns, and reprimanding underperforming members of the crew. He is probably best known for his role as Steven Gomez in Breaking Bad but he does have a rising reputation in the film industry.

He is a well-known figure in the Mexican film industry and he is well respected for a wide range of roles that he has excelled in. If they gave the job to Steven Michael Quezada, I think he would bring something different to the bridge. He would be a darker character and they could bring some back story into his character to make it more gripping and full of suspense. Would he go for it? He does have movie commitments, but Star Trek is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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