Star Trek is the greatest science fiction franchise of all time

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Star Trek has been inspiring and entertaining for 50 years, here’s seven reasons why Star Trek is the greatest science fiction franchise ever.

Fans of every science fiction franchise think what they love is the best, and as a Trekkie we’re no different. Here are seven reasons we love Star Trek and think it stands above all other franchises.

You won’t find any silly points like box office totals here, this is about science and improving humanity.

#1 Star Trek is based on science.

In Star Wars the solution to many problems is to believe in yourself and use the Force. While believing in yourself is wonderful, using the force won’t get you very far in real life. On the other hand Star Trek focuses on science, logic, and diplomacy. The key to solving problems in the Star Trek universe is using your mind and science, things that you can apply to your real life.

There’s nothing wrong with Star Wars using magic, it makes for a wonderful story, but it’s not something that creates any meaning in the real world.

Here’s what Bill Nye had to say on the subject.

It’s not just about Star Wars though, no franchise has embraced science the way Star Trek has.

Next: 2 Star Trek inspires real scientists