Prepare to be amazed by this incredible a cappella rendition of the Star Trek: The Next Generation theme!
Now I know that when most people hear “a cappella version” they immediately cloak and go to warp, but wait, because you’re going to want to stick around for this.
There are thousands of versions of the Star Trek themes on YouTube, ranging from a kid on a kazoo to guy beatboxing in his kitchen. Because there’s such a glut of Star Trek musical content online it takes something really special to stand out from the crowd. This amazing a cappella rendition of the Star Trek: The Next Generation theme is more than special however, it’s incredible.
It’s one thing to do an a capella rendition of the theme to Happy Days; the theme to Happy Days is a peppy tune with lyrics after all. The theme to Star Trek: The Next Generation of course has Picard’s intro, but lyrics are right out the window with this instrumental classic. Doing an a cappella rendition of a Star Trek theme is doing a capella on hard mode.
This is just impressive.
YouTuber Triforcefilms has done a masterful job here. You should check out their YouTube channel for even more incredible a cappella themes. If you’re reading Triforcefilms we’d also love to get a Star Trek: The Next Generation theme, or DS9, or even Voyager… we’re probably fine without Enterprise.
This is what we love about Star Trek, it’s still inspiring fans to create wonderful things fifty years on… or in the case of Star Trek: The Next Generation thirty years on.
NEXT: The Best Green Star Trek Aliens
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