New ‘TREKTalks’ Podcast has its Shakedown

The creative team behind Redshirts Always Die, and the Ketwolski Star Trek YouTube channel bring you the Alpha Quadrant’s newest Star Trek podcast.

Have you felt yourself wishing you could get even more quality content from your fellow Trekkies here at Well, wish no more!

We are proud to announce the shakedown episode of our new podcast show entitled ‘TrekTalks.’

I have done hundreds of Podcasts, but only a few ‘Trek’ specific ones,” says Charles ‘Bandit’ Evans, “the idea starting a new podcast centered around this amazing franchise has always been a dream of mine.”

Charles Evans has worked tirelessly over the years to elevate Redshirts to one of the premiere Star Trek news sites on the internet. Now, he is looking to bring that same drive, creativity, and determination to a new medium: podcasts.

To undertake this endeavor, Evans enlisted the support and expertise of the Star Trek Youtuber known only as ‘Ketwolski.’

Because I grew up on Trek, talking about the show comes easily to me. It’s my favorite franchise in the world so being a part of this podcast and website is a true honor,” said Ketwolski.

During this shakedown episode, both Bandit and Ketwolski discuss what iconic aliens they want to see make an appearance on ‘Star Trek: Discovery’.

Our list included:

Both the pros and cons of these aliens beaming into the new series are discussed, along with what their potential impacts might be on the overall storyline behind ‘Discovery.’ Check out the video below for the full episode.

What aliens would you like to see make an appearance, or even become a regular part of the crew for ‘Discovery’? Let us know on Facebook or the comments below!

Any feedback regarding the new podcast and its format? Send us a message on Facebook or as a comment on Youtube!