It Sounds Like Star Trek 4 Is Happening


Viacom’s CEO spoke about the future of Paramount and Transformers and Star Trek were mentioned as “tentpole” franchises.

According to Viacom CEO Robert Bakish mentioned Star Trek as a “tentpole” franchise for Paramount last week. Although we’ve already heard rumblings about Star Trek 4 and the studio’s desire to make it, this seems to be confirmation that Trek is still a big part of Paramount’s future plans.

Here’s what Viacom’s Robert Bakish said about Trek at a Deutsche Bank investors event:

"The other half of the slate will be full stream Paramount projects. Because we have reduced the volume we can be a little more selective. They obviously will include significant tentpoles, whether that is Transformers or Mission [Impossible] or Star Trek or other newer franchises."

That sure makes it sound like Paramount is going to keep making Kelvin Timeline Star Trek films. The only issue with this is that Paramount doesn’t have a CEO right now. According to this is probably why Trek 4 doesn’t have a budget or script yet.

The good news is that the new Paramount CEO could be Marc Evans. Evans is a Trek fan and helped push to get the franchise back on the big screen after Star Trek: Nemesis.

It sounds like the Kelvin Timeline of Trek is on better ground than many seem to think. Star Trek Beyond was a bit of an underperformer at the boxoffice, but it was still Paramount’s biggest film this year. It’s probably unlikely that Paramount is going to toss Trek any time soon.

We’d really enjoy seeing the Kelvin Timeline wrapped up in a great final film. Obviously the rumors of George Kirk returning for Star Trek 4 mean that’s a distinct possibility.


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