Author T.J. Morris on ‘The Cathedral’


We spoke to author T.J. Morris about his new science fiction series.

Sometimes you run across a book that lets you know in the first few sentences exactly what you’re in for. T.J. Morris’ The Cathedral series starts off with a name; a name that sets the tone and let’s you know exactly what you’re in for.

"“His given name was But For The Love Of Jesus Christ We Would All Be Damned Smith III; B.C. for short.” – Chapter 1 of The Cathedral by T.J. Morris"

That name could have popped up out of a Douglas Adams story. That’s where The Cathedral lies, somewhere between Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Blade Runner. The Cathedral isn’t Star Trek, but science fiction has a tendency to cross streams and we caught up with Morris at Treklanta this weekend.

“The books aren’t Star Trek, but they could be set in a pre Star Trek society” explained Morris. “It’s a story of a time when religion and industry are pushing the exploration of space.” Although the books are set in a science fiction universe of Morris’ creation his real focus is on the people. “I follow the characters, it’s all about who this person is and where their story is going.”

author T.J. Morris

With so much science fiction content out there it can be hard to spot the diamond in the rough sometimes. Most of the popular science fiction novels and stories seem to be retreading ideas we’ve seen and heard a thousand times, but Morris’ books are different. If you’re looking for a fun and fresh science fiction tale you should check out The Cathedral.

If you want to find out more about T.J. Morris and his novels you can visit his website, or read more about The Cathedral on Amazon.

Next: Play the Star Trek: First Contact Game

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