‘Star Trek: Timelines’ Borg event ending this weekend

You’ve only got a couple more days to take on the Borg in Star Trek: Timelines.

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Star Trek: Timelines’ Borg event is sadly coming to a close. So if you haven’t joined the fight against the Borg this weekend might be your last chance to strike back for the Alpha Quadrant.

Star Trek: Timelines is a popular app game available on iOS and Android systems that puts you in command of your favorite Star Trek vessel and lets you crew it with your favorite Star Trek characters. You want to see the Defiant captained by Picard with Spock as his first officer and Torres in engineering, you can do it. It’s that flexibility, of course explained with the use of Q, that makes the game fun.

The “Process of Assimilation” is the first major event for the app game that debuted last year. App games are now using special events and regular updates to keep players involved. It’s great to see that Star Trek: Timelines is going to be around for a while and do things to keep players interested in the game.

Obviously with Timelines’ time jumping plot the Borg are a great villain to introduce since we know the Borg are quite used to time travel themselves. The event is limited however and this weekend will be your last chance to join in the fight against Star Trek’s ultimate bad guys. There’s no word on where the game will go next, but hopefully this is only the first in a long line of regular events for Timelines.

Next: Play The Star Trek: First Contact Game

What do you think? Have you played the “Process of Assimilation” event? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.