First Time Enterprise: Watching Star Trek Enterprise for the first time


As Star Trek fans, we all have things we’re not proud of. As for me, my shame in fandom results from having never watched Enterprise. Here, we correct that.

We all have things we’re not proud of as Star Trek fans. Some people love Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Nobody is proud of that. Some people didn’t like The Voyage Home. That’s nothing to be proud of.

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As for me, I have a huge gap on my Trek fandom resume. I’ve never watched Enterprise. The show debuted at a nadir in my fandom, and I was unimpressed the couple of times I tuned in. So, I left Enterprise by the wayside.

In recent months, especially thanks to the work of Larry Nemecek (Dr. Trek himself), Christopher Bryan Jones and Justin Oser of Trek.FM, I’ve come to understand that Enterprise was not the underwhelming series I had once believed it to be. I’ve also learned that some stretches in the later seasons may be among the best Star Trek the franchise has produced.

So informed, I am set to begin my first true watch of Enterprise, from start to finish. I’ll be live tweeting each episode from the Redshirts Always Die Twitter account (follow here @redshirtsdieFS), and I’ll be breaking down each episode on this site. Big elements I’ll be looking for will be such things as character development, relationship development, episode MVP (and in egregious cases Least Valuable Player), and simply whether or not I like the particular episode and how it makes me feel about the series as a whole.

We’ve got one episode already live tweeted with “Broken Bow” in the books, and my breakdown of that episode will be coming shortly with more episodes to follow soon thereafter.

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If you loved Enterprise (or even if you merely liked it), you might enjoy following along on my journey as I learn whether I like this show myself.