Hottest Star Trek news: Tes a mess

RedShirtsAlwaysDie prowls the web for interesting Star Trek news bites every couple of days. In this edition, we have an arrest, a captain going where no one has gone and some fortunetelling by the new Dr. McCoy.

Star Trek news:

Wunder-bar WonderCon

According to, Star Trek: Discovery is heading for an away mission at WonderCon on March 24th in Anaheim, Calif.

My first question for the panel: “Why is the show so pointy?”

“Dr. Evil” chooses Picard over Kirk

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos decided to support his “bald dudes stick together” thinking to side with Captain Picard as his favorite Star Trek bridge boss.

However, what we see in this tweet is more like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers.

Kes is a mess

More from Redshirts Always Die

Jennifer Lien, who played Kes on Star Trek Voyager, was arrested on revoked license charges in Tennessee. According to, Lien was pulled over for not having visible tags. She properly produced all her paperwork, but the license turned up as revoked due to a previous DUI charge. This is the second time in two weeks Lien was arrested under the same charge.

Lien seems to have fallen on hard times. According to IMDB, she last appeared in Battle Force: Andromeda in 2003. Let’s all wish her well in getting her life and acting career back on track.

Going where no man has gone before

William Shatner has produced a video asking people to add their names to the Parker Solar Probe on its mission to touch the corona of the sun.

Let’s just say this has Icarus written all over it and we know how that worked out.

But, then again, it’s just your name. Add yours here!

Next: Star Trek vs. Star Wars: Let’s Talk

I’m a doctor not a fortune teller!

Karl Urban predicts Star Trek 4 will go into production next year.

Only the second man to play Dr. McCoy, Urban told “It’s really a question for Paramount [laughs]. But, that being said, I have such a blast working on those Star Trek movies. You know, that cast, we’re like family at this point. I’m pretty confident within, hopefully the next year, that we’ll be back on the set.”

Urban is a solid actor who pops up in a variety of places including his recent portrayal of Skurge in Thor: Ragnarok.