Weekend news roundup

All the Trek news that dropped over the weekend.

A lot of Star Trek news came out over the weekend. Here’s a roundup of all the Trek related news that happened over the past few days that caught my eye. If I missed something, please let me know in the comments. 

William Shatner spent the weekend at the Star Trek: Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga, New York reported by Burlington Free Press. 1,400 people traveled from all over the world to meet and greet with Captain Kirk. The Set Tour is an impeccable recreation of the original Enterprise set and is run by Trek fan and Elvis impersonator James Cawley. Cawley built the Set Tour in an old grocery store is said to have spent $200,000 on the project. You can see the pictures, which are amazing, by clicking the link. 

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In sadder news, TMZ reported that Nichelle Nichols who played Lieutenant Uhura is suffering from severe short-term memory loss and in need of court-ordered protection to avoid being taken advantage of. Nichols’ son, Kyle Johnson filed the paperwork Friday to be his mother’s conservator. According to Johnson, her dementia has made her “susceptible to undue influence” and is worried that she could be taken advantage of in her state.

Also over the weekend, Jonathan Frakes tweeted out a picture of him and Marina Sirtis. The picture was taken on the set of season two of Star Trek: Discovery. Jonathan Frakes tweeted out the picture of him and Sirtis with the caption “Imzadi.” Frakes, who directed the season one episode Despite Yourself, is slated to direct two episodes in season two.

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This has also lead to speculation that  Marina Sirtis will have a role in the upcoming season of Discovery. Sirtis recently tweeted that she was traveling to Toronto for work, but said that she wouldn’t give any more specifics. Star Trek: Discovery is, of course, filming in Discovery. So it’s pretty clear to me that’s only a matter of time before everything that’s happened on Discovery will be revealed to have all taken place on the holodeck of the Enterprise-D.