The Top 20 most impactful deaths in Star Trek history

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Copyright Paramount George Kirk, Star Trek 2009.

03. Acting Captain George Kirk

To paraphrase Admiral Pike, he was Captain of a Starship for 12 minutes and saved 800 lives, but his death was the spark of a new reality. I dare anyone to have that impact.

You want a death with some impact look no further than Captain George Kirk, while dying he helped to name the hero of the series, and his final act saved his crew, delayed the villain long enough for the next group to come together and altered history enough that it created a whole new timeline .

George is one of the few people we can see for both sides, the impact of his life, and the impact of his death. Alive he raises his son to become one of the all time great Starfleet Captains and star of The Prime Timeline’s Star Trek. Dead he’s the spark of inspiration that drives his son to take up the Admirals challenge and become one of the all time great Starfleet Captains and star of the Kelvin Timeline’s Star Trek movie series