Go Boldly into all Things Star Trek with Redshirts Always Die


The best fans in the world are Star Trek fans, always willing to go the extra mile for the thing they love.

Have you ever spent time arguing with other fans about matters of Star Trek canon?
Have you ever tried to list off all the movies or tv shows in order of your preference?
Have you ever donned a crew uniform or alien prosthetic for pictures, a convention or fun?
Do you dislike the direction of the new movies or streaming series?
Do you love the direction of the new movies or streaming series?
Do you just love Star Trek?

If you answered ’Yes’ to any of the questions above then we want to hear from you, Redshirts Always Die is a growing team of passionate Star Trek fans who really just love to talk about the thing they love and we’re looking to add new voices to our coverage.

We consistently offer our readers with news, previews, reviews, recaps and editorial speculation about all things Star Trek related with the goal of taking the conversation to the next level and creating a vibrant community around all things Trek.

As we grow our team we’ve talked to a lot of fans, and while we all have differing opinions on exactly what makes great Star Trek it’s the little things that we all share that have brought us together and will continue to keep us together. It’s these same things that make us each want to step up and share the larger experiences with each other. You may not feel like you’re qualified to step forward and declare yourself an authority on the subject but if you share our passion and have a willingness to share that passion with others you are qualified, and you’re exactly the person we’re looking for.

Redshirts in Star Trek Obsession

What does a Redshirt do?

More from News

At RedshirtsAlways Die we believe in letting our staff choose their own path to share their passion, as such there’s room for our team members to write about any aspect of Star Trek they’re interested in, from breaking news, to reviews and recaps, to opinions, round table discussions and lists. If you have another idea we’re happy to have you bring that to the table also!

In the past we’ve covered major and minor news events, looked back at older episodes and movies, talked about potential casting choices, discussed the sights and sounds of the franchise, delved into the humour that flows through the various series and even imagined what might be if the Star Trek universe were to expand into different genres. We want to continue to push the envelope and bring new ideas to the forefront.

As a contributor we ask for about a post a week, more is always welcome but we won’t require it. We know that for most people this is a hobby, something we do for the love of Star Trek and that’s why we all do it. We all have friends, families, careers, school and other interests that we need to spend time with, so we keep the barrier to entry at a reasonable level.

Starfleet Academy in Star Trek Voyager In The Flesh

How do you attend the academy?

Applying to become a contributor is quick and easy. Simply complete an application.

The Application gives you a chance to share with us some insight into your background (experience is an asset, but is by no means required), a writing sample and to let us know why you feel that you would be a good addition to our team.

From there we’ll be in touch quickly and provide some easy to follow guidelines that help keep our content accessible to all of our readers, most people complete the training in a single short sitting. Once complete you’ll be introduced to the team and get your chance to introduce yourself to the world.

Next. Top 10 Deaths and Resurrections in Star Trek. dark

If this sounds like something you’re interested in pursuing or learning more about we encourage you to give it a try, fill out an application today, and meet our team, you won’t regret it.