Quentin Tarantino offers more information on his proposed Star Trek project, revealing the potential timeline the film will be set in.
I have to say, I am a huge Quentin Tarantino fan, ever since I first heard the opening beats of Little Green Bag by George Baker that accompany the first scene to Reservoir Dogs, I was hooked. His skill at weaving narrative and writing dialogue that just sucks you into the story and characters is second to no one. He is also, in my opinion one of the first filmmakers to truly create a shared universe between his films (Big Kahuna burgers? The Vegas? Google them).
When it was announced that he had a story for a Star Trek film I was doubtful anything would come of it. Just a throw away comment I thought, something he said in an interview that gained traction. Then I read he had held a meeting with J.J. Abrams and Paramount and that a screen writer had been selected to flesh out his idea. All of sudden I was thinking that this could actually happen! One of my all time favorite filmmakers and my all time favorite franchise coming together… YES PLEASE!
Up untill now, all we had was some very limited information, rumors that Star Trek could be his last film if he directed it as it would hit his self imposed ten film limit. Speculation on when it could be set and if it would be based on existing characters or completely new ones. Now, thanks to a podcast called Happy, Sad, Confused hosted by Josh Horowitz, we have a bit more information to go off.
Alert!! QUENTIN TARANTINO returns on a new #happysadconfused podcast! ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD, KILL BILL 3, STAR TREK, and lots more! 45 minutes of QT in your ears! https://t.co/ziTCBqITrI pic.twitter.com/ooNBuTAWlI
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) July 22, 2019
In the podcast Tarantino reveals that the reason he loves Star Trek is because of William Shatner, and his interest in the J.J. Abrams version is because he felt that Chris Pine, along with Zachary Quinto as Spock, both did amazing jobs at portraying those characters.
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"“The reason I was actually intrigued by the JJ Abrams version of it is because I thought Chris Pine did a fantastic job not just playing Capt. Kirk but playing William Shatner’s captain, he is William Shatner.“He’s not just another guy, he’s William Shatner’s Capt. Kirk. And it’s literally, Zachary Quinto is literally Leonard Nimoy’s, he’s his Spock. They f******* nail it. They just nail it.”"
As a fan of The Original Series and Captain Kirk and co, its clear that it’s that set of characters his idea is based around. However, would it follow the J.J. Abrams blue print or would he look to create something new. Well Tarantino had some interesting things to say about the Kelvin Timeline.
"“Now, I still don’t quite understand, and JJ can’t explain it to me, and my editor has tried to explain it to me and I still don’t get it.“Something happened in the first movie that now kind of wiped the slate clean. I don’t buy that. I don’t like it. I don’t appreciate it. f*** that.”"
Josh Horrowitz asks him the question would he have like the Original Series to have happened in this timeline?
"“I want the whole series to have happened, it just hasn’t happened yet. No, Benedict Cumberbatch or whatever his name is is not Khan, alright? Khan is Khan. I told JJ, like, ‘I don’t understand this. I don’t like it.’ He was like, ‘Ignore it! Nobody likes it. I don’t understand it. Just do whatever you want. If you want it to happen the exact way it happens on the series it can.’”"
It would seem then, that Tarantino not only wants the Kelvin Timeline actors to play the parts, but to have it set during the Prime Timeline years. Which would be very cool indeed. Its also interesting to hear Tarantino say that Abrams admits to no one liking the Kelvin films and that no one understands it. I hope he’s just saying that because he is trying to make Tarantino feel better about it all rather than it actually be how he feels.
To listen to the full Quentin Tarantino Happy, Sad, Confused podcast click here
As soon as we get more news and updates on Tarantino’s proposed Star Trek film we will update you with the details.