William Shatner willing to return for Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek

Icon William Shatner has confirmed that if Quentin Tarantino wants him for his Star Trek project, all the director needs to do is ask.

Quentin Tarantino‘s latest film project, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, has arrived in theaters and critics and fans have agreed that the film is a entertaining romp in the classic Tarantino style. However, it seems that every time the director discusses the film, the conversation turns to his long-gestating Star Trek project.

While Tarantino has not confirmed nor denied whether he will direct the film or if it will be his last movie before he retires, one thing that has become crystal clear is director’s admiration for Captain Kirk.

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Tarantino has said on multiple occasions that it was Kirk and particularly William Shatner’s portrayal that turned him into a Star Trek fan. He has gone so far as to say that the reason he isn’t a Star Wars fans is because William Shatner isn’t in Star Wars.

High praise indeed.

This has led some to think that despite not being clear what time period or even what timeline the film will be set in that William Shatner will be involved, despite the character being dead and all.

And for his part, Shatner seems more than willing to don his Starfleet uniform once again if Tarantino asks.

While speaking to Reuters the subject of Tarantino and his love for James Kirk was brought to Shatner’s attention. The actor said he would be more than willing to appear in the film and that the admiration goes both ways.

"“Quentin Tarantino said something in the paper that somebody said to me, that he loved me. And Quentin, I love you. If you’re going to do Star Trek, hey, 50 years later, a few pounds heavier, come on, not a problem.“I’d like to do it. Whether I’d be up for it, I don’t know.”"

It sounds like the only thing that may stop the 88-year-old actor from being in the film would be if he could physically play the role of Kirk again.

As every Trekker knows, Jim Kirk was unceremoniously killed in Star Trek: Generations. However, death never seemed that big of an obstacle to a character returning to the Star Trek franchise. Just ask Brent Spiner.

Keep it here on Redshirts Always Die for more news and information about Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek film as they develop.