More Number One
We got a taste of the legendary Number One in Star Trek Discovery’s second season, but it wasn’t enough. We learned a bit more about her in the Short Trek Q&A, but it still isn’t enough.
Number One was Gene Roddenberry’s way of introducing powerful women to the American television viewing public, and she’s sure to be a fixture in any series set on the Enterprise with Pike and Spock.
Of all the exciting possibilities available to us if this series is to get off the ground, stories about Number One tickle the imagination the most.
Away missions
In a pre-Kirk era, captains are still leading away teams with their senior staff. Even though it’s completely insane for a ship’s captain, first officer, doctor and potentially the bulk of its command crew to go on away missions, this series would function in a time where Starfleet hasn’t learned that lesson yet.
That opens the door for plenty of Pike, Spock and Number One missions planetside. And considering the vast regions that Star Trek’s productions have at their disposal for filming (Toronto and its surrounding region for Discovery, California for Picard), this series would have the chance to deliver the franchise’s best exterior shots to date.
More interiors
We need to see more shots of the interior of the Enterprise. Perhaps the biggest indicator CBS has plans to make this series happen, there’s no way they would create the massive sets for the Enterprise’s bridge and engineering without plans to use them extensively in the future.
Make more sets and show them! We want to see the inside of this ship.