There are so many grand science fiction shows that often don’t get the love they deserve, yet these three should get some big love.
In modern media, you either have to be popular or cutting edge. There apparently is no room for “great” television anymore, at least not if you don’t have a high social media score. That’s not so much a knock against the system mind you, as great pieces of entertainment only exist because someone is willing to sell an idea and hope they make a profit off of it. That’s not always the case. Right, SyFy?
The shows on this list are great television experiences but never found the life they deserved to have. All three shows were riveting pieces of entertainment but save for one, weren’t give the chance to succeed, and finishing telling their story. That’s obviously a problem when you go back to watch these shows; that knowledge that you’re about to watch something that’s incomplete is a challenge to get through.
What was going to happen? Who’s to say. Sure, you could go all Sheldon and call the creator to find out, or wait until they inevitably tell everyone on Twitter what the plans were instead. You might even be one of the lucky ones who gets a revival of some sort, even if just as a comic book. At least you’d get closure. That’s more than a lot of people get sometimes when a show is canceled right out from underneath them.
So let’s get in on this and talk about three science fiction shows that were canceled all too soon by the networks they aired on.