Evan Evagora, who portrays Elnor on Star Trek: Picard provided an important update to fans of the series
Fans have been checking and rechecking for the return day of Star Trek: Picard, and while Evan Evagora couldn’t give that information, he was able to confirm that the series would start filming in January 2021 for the ten episode second season and will end filming in June 2021. At that point, filming for season three would begin in June and run through November 2021.
And Evagora is ready to get back to filming as he told the Australian podcast Pod Syndicate.
"Yeah, January we will be filming. I don’t know if they have posted the date. All I know is everyone’s saying January, January, January. So we’ll start season two there and in my opinion it cannot come quicker. I’m so excited, not just to get back to work, but to get back to the motley crew and hang out with everyone… in California."
With filming ending in June 2021, we might be able to expect a late fall, possibly even into an early winter, premiere. Season one finished filming in September 2019, and the season premiered on January 23, 2020. Keeping to that four month lead time, we could potentially see the second season begin in October 2021.
Currently, season four of Discovery is already filming in Canada, and it, too, is set to end in June 2021. Whether or not this will affect the release date of Star Trek: Picard, is not known, but it’s possible we’ll have two series releasing around the same time which fans will welcome. At any rate, with seasons two and three of Picard filming back to back, though, we shouldn’t have to wait as long for the third season.