There’s no question that 2020 has been a challenging year, and Star Trek fans are grateful the franchise has remained one constant
It seems Paramount is aware of the need to keep spirits and hopes up while reminding fans that 2021 is right around the corner. In one short but appropriate video, Star Trek characters tell the computer to end the program which, essentially is 2020.
The video starts with Captain Picard telling his crew aboard the Enterprise to go to yellow alert as the ship approaches what looks like a Borg cube. Then suddenly, the cube spins to reveal a 3-D 2020 with Worf telling the Captain the year is on an intercept course. After Picard gives the “on screen” instruction, various media outlets begin delivering the bad news this year has brought. Interspersed with surprise exclamations from Dr. McCoy from The Original Series and Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, an attempt at maintaining positivity from Neelix, and stern warnings from Commander Will Riker, the video adds a bit of levity with the truth.

2020 has been one of the most difficult years we’ve endured in a long, long time, and we feel what Captain Sisko feels in the video when he says “I don’t know how much more I can take.” And when Quark says “we have to find a way out of here.” And then comes the litany of “end program” before 2021 pops up on the screen.
If 2020 had been a holodeck program, none of us would have stayed this long. But today is the start of a brand-new year, and we can only hope whatever engineer is in charge will program peace, unity, and a better future for everyone.
Happy New Year!