The official Star Trek website posted an amazing video, highlighting every main character from Voyager in their first and last episode on the show.
Star Trek: Voyager debuted 26 years ago today, and in doing so changed the landscape for Star Trek forever. The series depicted the advanced science vessel known as the Voyager being sent to deal with a group of Maquis terrorists. After capturing the group, they’re hurled across the galaxy to the uncharted Delta Quadrant. Pushing the ship decades from home at maximum warp.
It was a series that explored the idea of right and wrong on a whole new level. Looking at terrorists vs. the establishments, justifying the idea of protecting The Borg from harm, and challenging the notion of who deserves to live over another.It tested boundaries like few shows have done before.
It explored the idea of love, sexuality, and even rehabilitation. Characters like The Doctor and even bit-character Lon Suder gave this show a more honest edge than other series had done before. Exploring how one can be redeemed after committing murder was a bold step for the franchise.
It also featured the franchise’s first female captain, in Kate Mulgrew’s Captain Kathryn Janeway.
The series lasted seven seasons, across 172 episodes and two quadrants.
It featured such amazing talent like Robert Beltran (Commander Chakotay), Tim Russ (Lietuentant commander Tuvok), Robert Duncan McNeill (Lieutenant junior grade Tom Paris), Roxann Dawson (Lieutenant junior grade B’Elanna Torres), Garrett Wang (*STILL Ensign Harry Kim), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Ethan Phillips (Neelix) Jennifer Lien (Kes) and Jerri Ryan (Seven of Nine).
They became the cornerstone of a brand new fledgling network and introduced some 20 million people to Star Trek with their first-ever episode. It’s only fitting that the Star Trek official website would pay tribute to such a transcendent show.