DeForest Kelly’s favorite fan letter might surprise you

Kino. Star Trek - Der Film, 1970er, 1970s, Film, Science Fiction, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek - Der Film, 1970er, 1970s, Film, Science Fiction, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, DeForest Kelly, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy Capt. Kirk (William Shatner,m) und 'Pille' Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelly,l) sorgen sich um den Vulkanier Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy)., 1978. (Photo by FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)
Kino. Star Trek - Der Film, 1970er, 1970s, Film, Science Fiction, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek - Der Film, 1970er, 1970s, Film, Science Fiction, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, DeForest Kelly, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy Capt. Kirk (William Shatner,m) und 'Pille' Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelly,l) sorgen sich um den Vulkanier Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy)., 1978. (Photo by FilmPublicityArchive/United Archives via Getty Images)

Though he had a long career that spanned over fifty years, DeForest Kelly is most widely known to us Star Trek fans as Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy on Star Trek: The Original Series and the follow-up movies. Kelly had spent a good portion of his career playing a villain, but Bones was a kind, southern, country doctor who took great pleasure in annoying Mr. Spock. And he was as kind off-camera as he was on as fans have talked about meeting him and how gracious he was.

One fan in particular was especially interested in Kelly, and it wasn’t for how kind and gracious he was. Apparently, the lady wasn’t paying as much attention to his charm onscreen as she was his looks. And that was what inspired her to send a fan letter to him, one that got Kelly’s attention.

The fan sent Kelly a letter with a joint (which Kelly calls a marijuana cigarette) glued to a piece of cardboard as well as a photo of herself with a note, telling him that he’d turned her on so many times that it was only fair that she return the favor. Kelly called her a “very delightful-looking young girl” and said that he kept this particular fan letter, calling it his favorite, which isn’t surprising.

Of course, this was many, many years ago as it wouldn’t be so easy to send a joint through the mail, but this fan wanted to make sure her letter stood out among the many others Kelly received, and stand out she did. One can’t blame DeForest Kelly for keeping the letter, and it makes me wonder where it is now. That’s a piece of history that belongs in a Star Trek exhibition as I’m sure it’s something that other fans would like to see.