Having just turned 90, William Shatner is giving a piece of himself to the future so that generations will know the man behind Captain Kirk, the man who is an actor, director, producer, father, grandfather, and so much more. Shatner has teamed up with Storyfile, which is an interactive storytelling app, as a brand ambassador. He’s the first person to work with the company to create an AI-powered interactive conversational video for his family and friends to interact with for decades to come.
And, according to Storyfile, “generations now and in the future will be able to have a conversation with William Shatner – not an avatar, not a deep fake, but the REAL William Shatner.”
Shatner said that ” this is for all my children and all my children’s children and all my children’s loved ones and all the loved ones of the loved ones. That’s my gift to you down through time.”
Heather Maio-Smith, who is Storyfile’s Co-founder and CEO said that generations will be able to have a conversation with Shatner, and he can answer their questions about his life and work. “This changes the trajectory of the future — of how we experience life today, and how we share those lessons and stories for generations to come.”
In the video below, Shatner explains the imaginative process behind Storyfile and quickly sums up the reason why he chose this path.
StoryFile co-founder, Stephen Smith, added that William Shatner has mastered the art of storytelling so who would be better to show the world how StoryFile Life works. People around the world know him as the man who took chances with his life and his career. He’s been a public figure for decades and hasn’t stopped creating, learning, and growing. So it does make perfect sense that Shatner would take this step with Storyfile. Imagine what an impact this will have on future generations. Can you imagine getting to have an actual conversation with someone 100 years from now? What an amazing concept!