Star Trek may be unbelievable for all the wrong reasons.
Star Trek has given young people a vision of the future to strive for. They’ve given young minds the inspiration needed to enter science fields and given millions upon millions of people worldwide entertainment to evoke the mind and soothe the soul. They’ve done incredible things as a franchise, like making us believe in the impossible and predicting scientific trends. They also made us believe ComBadges was a good idea.
Now, fans of the show will note that the ComBadges (or communication badges) were actually sewn onto the fabric to prevent the device from flying off. Yet, what if they were pinned on like they’re often presented as?
Facebook user, Spock Pointy-ears Vulcan created a hilarious video of what would happen if the tight as can be Starfleet uniforms of the Next Generation era were actually given a pinned on Starfleet ComBadge.
This is joyful.
— Dr Jamie Gallagher (@JamieBGall) June 16, 2021
Picard’s popping comm badge.
(Created by Spock Pointy-ears Vulcan on Facebook
A hilarious meme but still so cool.
Despite the hilarity of the tight uniform popping off the ComBadge every time Jean-Luc Picard readjusted it, it doesn’t take away from the fact that the ComBadges were very cool.
In the original show, the badge was nothing more than an insignia. Not even a Starfleet insignia either, as the Delta Symbol that became the logo of the show and the Federation was actually just the symbol for the U.S.S Enterprise during the original series run.
Every other Federation captain that James T. Kirk and company met had their own ship-logo adorning their chest. It was a cool little thing that made each ship and crew unique, but when the show progressed into the 80s, the call was obviously done to uniform, well, the uniforms and give them all the same logo.
It was a smart move, seconded only by making the logo on their chest practical.