Watch: Now You Have the Bridge, Spock

Nov. 2, 2015 – CBS Television Studios announced today it will launch a totally new “Star Trek” television series in January 2017. The brand-new “Star Trek” will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966. The new series will blast off with a special preview broadcast on the CBS Television Network. The premiere episode and all subsequent first-run episodes will then be available exclusively in the United States on CBS All Access, the Network’s digital subscription video on demand and live streaming service.Pictured: Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock in STAR TREK (The Original Series)Screen grab: ©1967 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Nov. 2, 2015 – CBS Television Studios announced today it will launch a totally new “Star Trek” television series in January 2017. The brand-new “Star Trek” will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966. The new series will blast off with a special preview broadcast on the CBS Television Network. The premiere episode and all subsequent first-run episodes will then be available exclusively in the United States on CBS All Access, the Network’s digital subscription video on demand and live streaming service.Pictured: Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock in STAR TREK (The Original Series)Screen grab: ©1967 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A fan video of our favorite Vulcan, Spock

Fan music videos are a common thing in the Star Trek community. Most are set to clips from one or all of the series with an attempt to match the lyrics to songs. Some fans take things a little further and parody a particular series with actors taking on the parts of the characters. Library Bards call themselves a nerd parody group that features Bonnie Gordon (ABC’s The Quest), Xander Jeanneret (TBS’ King of the Nerds). While they don’t have a lot of videos created at present, they do have one particular parody that is worth every Star Trek fans’ attention, especially for all those Spock fans.

A creative video with Spock at the helm of the Enterprise

The Library Bards set their song, Now You Have the Bridge, Spock, to the tune of Pat Benatar’s successful hit, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, and it’s a humorous look at Spock helming the bridge of the Enterprise when Captain Kirk is away on a mission. In this instance, he’s in a fight for his life with the Gorn, who looks amazingly identical to the original from Star Trek: The Original Series.

The video was partially filmed at the Vasquez Rocks where the fight scene between Kirk and the Gorn took place on the episode “Arena.” And the actor portraying Kirk performed some of the captain’s signature fight moves, which adds to the authenticity.

And the Spock dance toward the end of the video, which is almost three minutes long,  is worth the watch in and of itself. Yes, it’s a little campy, but it’s hard not to smile when you’re watching it. I’m sure that’s what the Library Bards intended.