A fan fixed how Data looked in Star Trek: Picard
It’s no surprise that many fans weren’t happy with the de-aging process that took place with Brent Spiner’s Lt. Commander Data in the first season of Star Trek: Picard. From the premiere of the trailer, fans began complaining about his hairline, and the complaints continued after the season premiered. One fan, though, did much more than complain. Sebastian Schmidt, who goes by the screen name of Big Screen, used Adobe Aftereffects and recreated the Data we knew from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Schmidt, who is from Germany, recently uploaded his version of the de-aged Data on his Youtube channel. Schmidt told Heavy.com that the android’s look felt “off” to him. He said it wasn’t just Data’s age, but his hair and his eyes that didn’t look right to him which is why he took it upon himself to transform Data back into the android we last saw in Star Trek: Nemesis.
Data’s new look impressed fans
Fans were excited about Schmidt’s technical artistry and the results of his skills with some suggesting how much better Star Trek could be if it engaged with fans more and others saying there is more talent outside of the studios.
The video currently has over 24,000 views since it was uploaded the first week of June with over 200 positive comments, most of which are viewers encouraging Paramount to hire Schmidt as well as asking him to fix the rest of the android scenes in the series. It’s certainly something he could do, but Schmidt did tell Heavy.com that this was a long and tedious process. I can’t imagine the time it would take to do every one of the scenes!