The most iconic moment in Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan gets remade in claymation

Feb. 12WILLIAM SHATNER CONVERSATION/ STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN SCREENING: War Memorial Auditorium, $51.25-$71.25, tpac.orgDsc 9650
Feb. 12WILLIAM SHATNER CONVERSATION/ STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN SCREENING: War Memorial Auditorium, $51.25-$71.25, tpac.orgDsc 9650

The most famous scene from Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is now in claymation.

Many people will tell you that Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is one of the best movies in not just Star Trek history but in science fiction history. The film follows the titular Khan Noonien Singh, first debuting in the original series, on a quest to hunt down and destroy James T. Kirk for abandoning them on Ceti Alpha V; a foreign planet which at the time was lush and teeming with life.

After decades of no contact, however, the planet had all but died, leaving Khan and his people stranded. When no Starfleet help came, those he cared for died and made Khan want revenge. After leaving Kirk, Bones, his ex-Carol Marcus, their son, Savvik, and a wounded Chekov on a dead planet, Kirk, filled with rage, screamed the now famous line of “Khaaaaan!”

It might be claymation but it still carries the Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan weight

You might think it’s hard to capture the essence of William Shatner’s character in claymation but that’s exactly what happened here. From the hair to the lip quiver to the design of the uniforms and even the Clay-Bones McCoy in the background; it’s all utterly perfect.

The clip is only a few seconds long, but considering this had to be hundreds of shots to make this come to life, that alone makes this worth checking out.

The video appears to be from a streaming serviced called Dust. Dust appears to be a free sci-fi streaming service that is on the rise. The claymation Star Trek video originally appeared on Io9 as a sort of celebration by Gunpowder Sky, an independent studio that produces music, pop culture, documentary, and documentary series. Dust is their science fiction arm, and they’ve commissioned five claymation videos to be made to honor five iconic science fiction scenes.

The Wrath of Khan video happened to be first.