Discover more ships Voyager met in the Delta Quadrant
Captain Janeway and the crew of the Voyager spent seven seasons in the Delta Quadrant, encountering all manner of ships bearing friends and foes. The first edition of the Star Trek Shipyards books that explored the Delta Quadrant, Hero Collector Books, the publishing division of Eaglemoss, The Borg and the Delta Quadrant: Akritirian to Krenim, explored some of the better known ships, including the Borg.

Now, Hero Collector Books is releasing the next installment in the Delta Quadrant line of ships, a hardback book that invites you to take a look at some of the lesser known models of ships, those that only briefly flashed across the screen as well as those from some of Voyager’s creepiest enemies. THE DELTA QUADRANT: Ledosian to Zahl explores dozens of vessels Voyager encountered like the Lokirrim Warship, the Species 8472 Bioship, and the Vidiian Warship.

Officially releasing on August 10, this next installment retails for $34.95 and includes detailed technical overviews and operational histories. The vessels explored in the book are illustrated with CG artwork, most of which has not been seen before as it was created using the original VFX models made for STAR TREK: VOYAGER.
The Delta Quadrant: Ledosian to Zahl is now available for pre-order and, along with your copy of The Borg and the Delta Quadrant: Akritirian to Krenim, will provide you with a detailed account of all of the ships that warped through the galaxy while Voyager was trying to make its way home.