Are you a big enough fan to get a perfect on the Star Trek Captains Trivia Quiz?
Star Trek fans are quite a knowledgable bunch. Go to our Facebook group and you’ll see plenty of Trek fans debating facts and points with one another on nearly every post.
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It’s a bountiful fanbase that has proven time and time again that their love for the franchise is forever enduring.
So it’s not surprising that Star will occasionally throw a curveball at the fanbase with a quiz, challenging them on their knowledge of such a rich and eclectic universe.
This newest quiz asks fans to figure out which captain is which in a series of 21 questions that range from The Original Series all the way to Lower Decks; while stopping at just about everything in between.
It has its challenges but fans of the series who have seen each series at least once should be able to figure out at least most, if not all the answers just from memory.
Star Trek quizzes are very par for the course in this fandom
While it’s always been “cool” to be into Star Wars, at least as far as nerd-fandoms go, Star Trek was always seen as far too highbrow to ever be “cool”. The fact is, Trek fans invented, learned, and then taught the Klingon language, for real and even for money at times. So yeah, the highbrow label really does land with Trek fans. You see fans hosting Klingon weddings a lot, you don’t see any Wookie weddings.
So quizzes like this are really par for the course when it comes to being a Trek fan. Just another example that helps makes these fans so unique and different among the rest of the numerous and seemingly never-ending fandoms. That’s not to say that there aren’t other, uniquely their own fandoms out there, but Trek came first. It’s been around the longest and has done more to define what it means to be a fanatic more than any other fandom over the last 50-odd years.