Captain Janeway had a non-canon daughter

378599 51: Kate Mulgrew stars as Captain Kathryn Janeway in "Star Trek: Voyager." Her character is the first woman to command a Federation Starship in the more than 30-year history of "Star Trek." (PHOTO BY CBS Photo Archive/Delivered by Online USA)
378599 51: Kate Mulgrew stars as Captain Kathryn Janeway in "Star Trek: Voyager." Her character is the first woman to command a Federation Starship in the more than 30-year history of "Star Trek." (PHOTO BY CBS Photo Archive/Delivered by Online USA)

Captain Janeway became a mother

Captain Janeway had the opportunity to become a mother when she was still onboard Voyager, thanks to an offer from Q. She disappointed him with her refusal, and he went on his way to father a child with another Q. While the series was still underway, Janeway didn’t get involved with anyone so she remained childless.

After Voyager arrived back in the Alpha Quadrant, fans were left to our own imaginations as to what transpired with the crew, but we did learn that Janeway was promoted to an admiral as she appeared on Star Trek: Nemesis. But her home life remained a mystery…until her autobiography was released last year. Edited by Una McCormack, The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway—The History of the Captain Who Went Further Than Any Had Before fills in some details and paints a somewhat rosy picture of the future, but if anyone deserves that, it was the crew of Star Trek: Voyager. And there was one massive change in Captain Janeway’s future, even bigger than a promotion to admiral.

The details behind Captain Janeway’s daughter

According to the book, Janeway had frozen her eggs before Voyager’s first mission. She wanted to experience as much life as possible, but she didn’t want to lose out on her chance to be a mother. After the crew of Voyager was officially declared dead by Starfleet, everything Janeway owned was given to her mom, including her eggs. Janeway’s mother and sister, Phoebe, chose to bring something of her back into the world, and Amelia Janeway was born.

Amelia was raised by Phoebe and her wife, Yianem, along with their other children, but she knew who her mother was. And when Janeway returned, she had the opportunity to be that mother and to watch her daughter become Ensign Amelia Janeway.

Though this isn’t canonical, it was a beautiful way to end the look into Captain Janeway’s life. Not only did it provide Starfleet with the next Captain Janeway, but it gave the original one the child she probably wouldn’t have had otherwise. As an aside, this would be a great way to give another Janeway her own ship on a new Star Trek series.