Watch: Star Trek super fan who’s met William Shatner nine times

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - AUGUST 03: Actor William Shatner speaks during "The Original Series" panel at the 18th annual Official Star Trek Convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 03, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images)
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - AUGUST 03: Actor William Shatner speaks during "The Original Series" panel at the 18th annual Official Star Trek Convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 03, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images)

Star Trek super fan has met William Shatner nine times

The internet has been all abuzz about William Shatner’s trip into space on October 13th, and after he returned safely to Earth, news networks in droves wrote about his experience. To pay tribute to the monumental occasion, the UK’s This Morning series with Phillip Scofield and Holly Willoughby introduced Star Trek superfan, David Limburg, who has met the former Captain Kirk nine times and has an impressive collection of Star Trek memorabilia.

Limburg, who was born the year The Original Series debuted, used to watch the series with his father, and he developed a love of the franchise. His father bought him his first replica of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and since that time, Limburg has continually added to his collection. And one of his most amazing items is a yellow dot that’s from the original set of the series. The piece is small but is clearly one of Limburg’s most treasured possessions, and coming from the original set, it’s value would be immeasurable to a fan.

Fan’s super collection is a clear tribute to William Shatner

Another one of Limburg’s possessions, a communicator with sound, thrilled host Scoffield who couldn’t wait to try it out. He made a request to be “beamed up” by Scotty with clear delight before delving into the other items LImburg had brought to the set.

LImburg has been collecting Star Trek memorabilia for quite some time, but there are still plenty of things he’d like to add, like an original prop from the series like a phaser or a tricorder. Unfortunately, those props can cost upwards of $100,000—a serious investment that most fans can’t afford.

As the interview closes out, Limburg shares pictures of the many times he’s met his favorite Star Trek actor and says “Star Trek is inspiration. William Shatner is inspiration. And Captain Kirk is inspiration.” I could not agree more, and admittedly, I’m more than a little jealous of this fan’s collectibles!