3 things that worked and 3 things we wish we could’ve seen in Star Trek: First Contact

1996 Patrick Stewart stars in the new movie "Star Trek: First Contact".
1996 Patrick Stewart stars in the new movie "Star Trek: First Contact". /
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First Contact
1996 Patrick Stewart stars in the new movie “Star Trek: First Contact”. /

The time travel aspect.

The whole movie worked, but still, let’s look at the three best things. Seeing the first contact with the Vulcans was a treat, as was seeing a bit of how Montana looked following the Third World War. It was a great idea to place the bulk of the movie in that time frame, as it not only highlights a time period we don’t often get to see in Star Trek but also adds more tension to the film. It eliminates the ability to just rely on backup or technology to defeat the Borg and forces the writers to get creative with this specific conflict. That’s key, as each encounter with an alien race should feel unique and authentic.

Zefram Cochrane and Lilly

Both Zefram Cochrane and Lilly were huge to the story. It was also kind of a treat to see Cochrane mostly with Will Riker and Lilly mostly with Jean-Luc Picard. Riker served as the audience surrogate for the past, allowing older fans a chance to see something new, while Lilly served the same role for newer fans, with her allowing first-time viewers a chance to understand what was going on around them.

Resolving some interesting plot lines

Whether or not you feel these were already resolved prior to the film is up to you but the film did a good job resolving Jean-Luc Picard’s emotional affliction due to the Borg, Data’s desire and journey to be more than he is, and of course how the human’s and Vulcans finally met. With Picard, he had to go back in time to find Lilly, the woman who helped Picard realize what he had lost and what he had become. Ahab chasing his white whale. Data also showed that he would rather be who he is and be a good friend than get what he always wanted; the opportunity to be human. And of course, we got to see Cochrane drunkenly shoot himself into space; what a treat.