Trek Culture shares 10 Star Trek questions that always confused you

HOLLYWOOD, CA - 1987: Actor Brent Spiner, who plays Lt. Data on the hit TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation," is seen in this 1987 Hollywood, California, photo. The series aired in 1987 and ran to 1994, spawing two full-length feature films. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)
HOLLYWOOD, CA - 1987: Actor Brent Spiner, who plays Lt. Data on the hit TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation," is seen in this 1987 Hollywood, California, photo. The series aired in 1987 and ran to 1994, spawing two full-length feature films. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)

Trekculture’s latest video poses some interesting Star Trek questions

We’ve all had questions as we’ve watched each of the Star Trek series like what made that character do that, or why didn’t they just do this? Some of the questions weren’t compelling enough to make us do further research while others have stayed with us over the years like why didn’t Voyager use the Bajoran wormhole to get home. (FYI, this question isn’t answered in Trekculture’s latest video.)

But what is broken down in Trekculture’s latest video are some of the most curious ones we’ve asked ourselves over the years. For instance, why didn’t the Enterprise just send a shuttle to save Lt. Sulu when he and other crew members were trapped on the planet freezing in The Enemy Within. The transporters were broken, and Captain Kirk didn’t order a shuttle to save them. Well, the answer may surprise you.

There will always be questions in Star Trek

Though Trekculture presents some of the most interesting conundrums in its latest video, there are some that weren’t included. Most likely because there has to be a time limit with videos. There is no way to answer or ponder every question Trekkies have about each of the series. Yes, we want to know why Captain Picard who was from France didn’t speak with a French accent (that’s covered in the video, by the way) and if Q Continuum and the Prophets from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine have any connection (that’s not covered in the video). But there will always be questions left unanswered.

Sometimes, though, there are no answers to the questions, or the answers are self-explanatory.  Like why was there an R on Captain Kirk’s headstone when his middle initial was a T. We can ascertain that his middle name hadn’t been chosen yet. Still, there are some deeper questions we would like answered like whatever happened to the aliens from “Conspiracy” on The Next Generation? They sent out a beacon to their homeworld yet, they were never mentioned again. We have the same questions about the aliens from Schisms. They were poking and prodding the crew, but we don’t really know why or what happened to them. And why didn’t Captain Picard demand more answers?

Alas, there are plenty more of these curiosities that will be left dangling in the air. Such is the way when there are so many series and so many episodes in this franchise. It would be virtually impossible to answer them all. Still, TrekCulture poses some interesting answers to some.