5 science fiction-y movies you can watch on Christmas

FLORENCE, ITALY - DECEMBER 18: A robot of the project Robot-Era is displayed near the Chrismas Tree at nursing residence San Lorenzo on December 19, 2015 in Florence, Italy. In the Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale San Lorenzo ('nursing residence') a robot acts as a perfect caregiver or butler for the 20 elderly guests. Robots developed within the project Robot-Era coordinated by Robotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa are designed and programmed to perform functions in the house, outside and in the condominium. The EU supported project Robot-Era is the world's largest experiment ever done on service Robotics, involving 160 people in real-world environments with a duration of 4 years. The project is coordinated by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa with tests inside the residence until December 21. (Photo by Laura Lezza/Getty Images)
FLORENCE, ITALY - DECEMBER 18: A robot of the project Robot-Era is displayed near the Chrismas Tree at nursing residence San Lorenzo on December 19, 2015 in Florence, Italy. In the Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale San Lorenzo ('nursing residence') a robot acts as a perfect caregiver or butler for the 20 elderly guests. Robots developed within the project Robot-Era coordinated by Robotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa are designed and programmed to perform functions in the house, outside and in the condominium. The EU supported project Robot-Era is the world's largest experiment ever done on service Robotics, involving 160 people in real-world environments with a duration of 4 years. The project is coordinated by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa with tests inside the residence until December 21. (Photo by Laura Lezza/Getty Images) /
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Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

Full disclosure, I have yet to watch Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale but it seems like a hoot and a half. The film is a Finnish fantasy action horror film and features a premise where a group of people is somehow able to capture Santa Claus. It turns out, however, that Santa Claus isn’t some good guy who delivers treats.

No, he’s a bad guy who delivers tricks. Well, not so much tricks as say murderous rampages? The trailer does a good job setting up the premise by basically taking the old “he knows if you’ve been bad or good” and cranks that up to 11.

Basically, anyone who does anything slightly naughty ends up in a pile of self-pieces. May make you re-think saying a curse word, eh?

As the film is Finnish, you’re going to have to enjoy a good deal of reading because there are subtitles, unless there’s an English dub on the internet, which there very well could be for all I know.

The cast isn’t too well known in Western countries outside of Scandinavia but if you’re a fan of wild Christmas films and a little bit of horror then this film may be exactly the thing for you.