Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Leeta and Rom
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine may have featured one of the sweetest romances between two characters that didn’t see a destructive end, or were instantly killed off after a few episodes. Despite being around since season three, Leet and Rom wouldn’t get together until season five, after Dr. Lewis Zimmerman asked Leeta to join him at Jupiter Station. That was all Rom needed to finally profess his love for her.
The two became the most wholesome couple in the history of Star Trek, very rarely having any arguments and being steadfast in their devotion to her. It didn’t hurt that Rom got all slack-jawed and doe-eyed around her. Their marriage came near the end of season give, which was rather poor timing, as the Dominion War would start in earnest the very next day.
Despite all the violence and destruction, the couple remained united throughout all of it. Even when Rom had to stay behind on the station and serve as a Federation spy after Dominion forces took control of the ship.
When the war was over and the series neared a close, Rom became the Grand Nagus and the two returned to Ferenginar. In extended lore, Leeta would go on to follow her step-son Nog into Starfleet.