Star Trek looks at Worf’s best one-liners from The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine

LAS VEGAS, NV - AUGUST 03: Actor Michael Dorn dances at the "TNG - Part 1" panel during the 17th annual official Star Trek convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 3, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images)
LAS VEGAS, NV - AUGUST 03: Actor Michael Dorn dances at the "TNG - Part 1" panel during the 17th annual official Star Trek convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 3, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images) /

Star Trek looks at Worf’s best one-liners from The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine.

Worf is known for his Klingon charm in both in combat, in love, and his honesty. He’s a man of honor and believes in upholding not just the United Federation of Planets code of honor but his own internal code. He’s a man who loves hard and parties harder. If you consider fighting holograms to the death a party.

Personally, I do, but that’s just me.

He’s one of the most fun characters, but because he’s not. His brutal sincerity often puts him at odds with his more jovial friends. He doesn’t party, he doesn’t relax, he’s a Klingon. He waits patiently for his next mission and then goes full bore into it. It’s that type of personality that is often played for laughs but never at the expense of him as a character.

His deadpan reactions aren’t jokes, they are honest reactions based on his character, it’s just that he’s always on. In the middle of a battle with the Borg, if he screams “death to the opposition!”, you believe he intends on killing anyone and everyone in front of him.

Yet, in the middle of a friendly, pick-up game of baseball? Hilarious.

Because he’s always himself, the writers can have fun with characters like this without ever damaging his aura of him. He’s not a joke, he’s a fish out of water most times. So when you realize that he is still the scariest member of two shows, and he has the best one-liners, that’s completely believable.

Star Trek put together their favorite lines from Worf and we went a step further and put them in the order of least funny to funniest.

Worf’s best one-liners from The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine

10. He loves his prunes

"“A warrior’s drink!”"

– Worf in “Yesterday’s Enterprise” (about prune juice)

9. I protest…

"“Sir, I protest, I am not a merry man!”"

– Worf in “Qpid”

8. Darts?

"“Care for a game of darts?”“I do not play games.”"

– Bashir and Worf in “The Way of the Warrior”

7. This is a story…

"“This is the story of a little ship that took a little trip. What do you think?”"

– Worf in “One Little Ship”

6. He ducks a lot.

"“Women roar… then they hurl heavy objects… and claw at you.”“What does the man do?”“He reads love poetry… he ducks a lot.”"

– Worf and Wesley Crusher in “The Dauphin”

5. Death and baseball

"“Death to the opposition!”"

– Worf in “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”

4. Shall I execute him?

"“What are his rights in this century? Is there a trial, or shall I execute him?”"

– Worf in “A Fistful of Datas”

3. Good tea

"“Well, what do you think Mister Worf?”Worf: “Good tea… nice house.”"

– Rishon Uxbridge and Worf in “The Survivors”

2.  We will see.

"“I suppose I don’t have to tell you to keep a close eye on him?”“At the first sign of betrayal, I will kill him. But, I promise to return the body intact.”“I assume that’s a joke?”“We will see.”"

– Sisko and Worf in “In Purgatory’s Shadow”

1. Seven Months

"“I’ll, uh, be sure and call you when she’s ready to deliver. You can lend a hand.”“Seven months? Unfortunately, I will be away from the station at that time… far away… visiting my parents, on Earth… excuse me.”"

– Bashir and Worf in “Accession”

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