Ethan Peck’s uncertainty about how to play Spock will ensure he nails the role

Ethan Peck as Spock of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS. Photo Cr: Marni Grossman/Paramount+
Ethan Peck as Spock of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS. Photo Cr: Marni Grossman/Paramount+

Ethan Peck struggles to play Spock and that’s why he’ll nail the role.

Taking the role of Spock has to be a daunting task. Zachary Quinto found that out pretty fast. Fans were not a fan of his casting and his first performance. Mostly because he wasn’t Leonard Nimoy. See, fans are fickle and they’ll like or hate something for the dumbest reasons. Now, having trepidation about something isn’t the worst thing. I was that way about Quinto, and he won me over. Quinto put his heart and soul into the role, and it paid off. Yet, we now have another new man trying his best to be accepted as Spock. That man is Ethan Peck, star of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Peck’s turn as Spock on Star Trek: Discovery was not met with the most fan support you could imagine. That’s partly because he was new, partly because the writing was not the best in some’s opinion, and partly because Quinto’s Spock had just won over the fans. Now we have a new Spock already?

Talk about a whiplash effect. Yet, Peck has never just assumed the role. He’s never thought it to be easy or to be taken for granted. It’s that type of dedication and desire to get the role right which is why fans are going to eventually embrace him as Spock.

Ethan Peck is feeling the pressure of playing Spock

Speaking to TrekMovie, Peck revealed he hasn’t shaken off the pressure of playing such an iconic character. When asked how he’s able to shake it off, Peck replied;

"Uh, I don’t know yet. But if you figure something out, you let me know."

When the topic of “having fun” on set came up, Peck talked about how its hard for him during the take to enjoy being Spock, saying;

"It’s quite challenging, at least for me as an actor. What’s too much emotion? What’s too little? What’s too Vulcan? What’s too Human? So I’m constantly wrestling with those things."

Peck clearly cares so much about getting the role right and isn’t just assuming he’s doing a good job because he isn’t emoting. That type of honesty about playing a role, and his desire to get it right, will ensure he wins the fans over.

Even if it takes a few seasons.

Like seven. Yeah, let’s say seven seasons of Strange New Worlds. I think we can all agree on that.