Star Trek rankings are subjective until they’re not.
When you talk to people about how what Star Trek shows rank where there’s an absurd level of subjectivity you to accept. Shows are not one-size-fits-all and some shows are going to be much more beloved by fans than others. For instance, Star Trek: The Next Generation is among many peoples’ picks to be the best franchise in Trek history but it has so many awful episodes that just get ignored.
Same with Deep Space Nine, another beloved iconic franchise. Do these bad episodes hold back Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation from being great? No, clearly not, but they’re not perfect. No show is. No franchise is.
So we accept that some rankings are going to be odd, to say the least. It’s all open to someone else’s tastes. But man, this Slashfilms ranking of all the Star Trek series has me perplexed.
These Star Trek rankings have wrinkled my brain.
The rankings for this list are something else, but man, the explanations for some of these reasons are among the most peculiar I’ve ever seen.
- The Next Generation
- The Original Series
- Strange New Worlds
- Voyager
- Deep Space Nine
- Lower Decks
- Prodigy
- The Animated Series
- Picard
- Discovery
- Enterprise
Enterprise is last because of the theme song and the series finale? Talk about ignoring all the good the series provided. Strange New Worlds is third because Anson Mount’s Pike is fun? I wonder if the writer has actually watched most of these series in their entirety. I wouldn’t be mad if they hadn’t, there’s almost too much to watch, but unless you have you really can’t rank these shows honestly. Otherwise, you’d never put any show about The Animated Series.
Nostalgia be damned, that’s a boring show.
I get Discovery and Picard being where they are, but not even The Animated Series deserves to be above them. Objectively, it’s a bad show that doesn’t hold up. It only has one must-see episode and the animation is so outdated it’s nearly unwatchable.
Lower Decks is among the most un-Star Trek shows out there, so there are a lot of very split opinions on that show. Strange New Worlds being third is a stretch, considering its three episodes in.
I don’t disagree with Voyager being over Deep Space Nine, personally, Voyager is my favorite, but I have an issue with them being under The Original Series.
Granted, at the end of the day, it’s the writer’s own list and they’re allowed to rank these shows as they seem fit but still, wow.
This isn’t what I would’ve done.