For me, Star Trek Beyond was the first of the 3 films to truly feel like almost an old episode of Star Trek, for it had all the ingredients of one of those episodes from the original series featuring the original Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew.
You have the Enterprise on what seemed to be a routine rescue mission, only to be attacked by unknown enemy forces, then crash landing on an unknown planet and the crew being separated. This separation gives birth to fantastic scenes between Kirk and Scotty and Spock and Bones.
The film features a great climactic action scene, being brought to life to the sounds of “Sabtage” by the Beastie Boys. The film also pays omage to the late Leonard Nimoy, and it does so in beautiful fashion
Unfortunately, the side plot involving Kalara is where I feel the film begins to lose momentum. It begins to lag near the middle, and it seems that more quality scenes between Pine’s Kirk and Chekov, played fantastically by the late Anton Yeltchin, were scrapped in favor of a side plot that never really seemed to pan out.
Also, while I find Krall to be a scary and intimidating villain in a sense, the actor is so covered in make-up and prosthetics and his voice is changed to fit the character, the usually brilliant Idris Elba seemed somewhat like a cookie cutter villain. I feel that Elba is capable of so much more and could have made a fantastic Trek villain.
For these reasons, while I greatly enjoyed Beyond and thought it a great addition to the Trek franchise, I must put it in the #3 spot on this list.