Star Trek has a plethora of legacy characters to guest star on current series.
Legacy characters from the Star Trek universe have been popping up left and right on the newer series, and so far, there hasn’t been a new series that hasn’t introduced at least one former character. And while fans love hearing about the characters of old, some believe we’re reached a point where it’s time to focus on bringing in new people.
The canon has already been established for characters like Spock and Admiral Janeway, even though we know canon isn’t set in stone. We already know these characters, and yes, we’re getting the backstories for Cadet Uhura, Dr. M’Benga, and Nurse Chapel as well as Captain Pike now, but it’s just as interesting, if not more so, to see the introduction of new characters. Lt. Ortegas and Lt. Singh on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds are new to the franchise so we get to find out who they are from the start which is something we’re looking forward to following.
Legacy characters shouldn’t continue to carry the Star Trek franchise.
There are so many more stories to be told and so many places to go in the galaxy. Not every series can or should be connected to the previous ones. It’s time for a series to branch out and start from scratch and leave the legacy characters behind.
Give viewers a look at something new, introduce us to unique aliens, and captains we’ve never met before. We’d love to take a look at something fresh and exciting where we don’t have to be concerned a known character’s backstory or future is going to be changed. With new characters, there’s no worry about that. There’s a blank slate.
Take us to worlds that have never been visited. Show us a different side of Starfleet command and the United Federation of Planets. There are many, many more lieutenants, captains, admirals, and more involved in the running of the Federation. And we’d like to meet them and see different ships.
We will always love the legacy characters, and we won’t stop watching when they show up on our screens. But we know there’s a big galaxy out there, and the same characters can’t patrol it all the time. So give us a Klingon captain, a Romulan ship’s doctor, or even a reformed Hirogen. Take us by surprise, and keep our interest on the future and not just on the past.