Chris Pine may have confirmed the completion of a Star Trek 4 script

WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 27: Chris Pine attends Elton John AIDS Foundation's 30th Annual Academy Awards Viewing Party on March 27, 2022 in West Hollywood, California. (Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/WireImage)
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 27: Chris Pine attends Elton John AIDS Foundation's 30th Annual Academy Awards Viewing Party on March 27, 2022 in West Hollywood, California. (Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/WireImage) /

Since the announcement of Star Trek 4, fans have been waiting on more news.

Star Trek 4 isn’t coming along easily. The cast are busy with other projects, and Karl Urban confirmed that timing is one of the issues. The other issue has been the lack of a script for the actors to see. So far, that has yet to be confirmed. But in a recent conversation with Extra to talk about his upcoming movie, “Doula,” Chris Pine, who portrays Captain James T. Kirk in the movies, was asked about the status of the upcoming movie, and he may have provided a bit of news we’ve been waiting for.

There’s a bit of levity when the interviewer first asks about Star Wars instead of Star Trek, but after she corrects her mistake, she looks to Pine for an answer to the question that’s on every Trekkie’s mind (at least those who loved the Kelvin films). “Are we any closer to coming back to making another movie?”

Star Trek 4 may be closer to starting than we think if there is a script like Chris Pine said.

The actor responded to the question with what he’s been saying all along. “I would love to come back. We’re all looking forward to it.” But he added something we haven’t heard as of yet at the end of his next sentence. “I don’t know much about it other than there’s a script out there.”

For months we’ve been wondering when a script will be completed, and if Pine’s words weren’t just a slip of the tongue, it sounds like a draft has been done. Of course, saying there’s a script “out there” could mean anywhere from still inside the writers’ heads to finally in the hands of studio executives.

Whatever the case may be, it does sound like we may be one step closer to hearing more information about the start of the movie and whether every cast member has been signed to return.

Next. Paramount chief says Star Trek 4 is getting close to the starting line. dark