If Star Trek: Deep Space Nine does somehow return, what are some ideas the series could embrace?
Talks of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine getting some kind of second life have been swirling for a while now. With the rumors of Deep Space Nine characters popping up on a newer show sooner rather than later, many think this may be a change to gauge interest in a revival series of sorts, something in the vein of Picard.
Lower Decks will be returning to Deep Space Nine for their third season and while fans don’t know who, if anyone, will be brought back to voice their old characters, that hasn’t stopped fans from making wild assumptions.
For me, if they do go beyond just a casual cameo in Lower Decks, I think the franchise should go in a different direction with a sequel series and focus on a new series lead. So here are five ideas that could make for a good Trek series.
Five new concepts for a Deep Space Nine revival
Cheers but in space
A series featuring Quark dealing with a revolving client base would be highly entertaining. As long as it keeps the true Trek essence. Being able to balance the moral conflicts that define Star Trek is key, but to frame them through conversations with the bartender would be a unique twist. Though, this may work better as a short.
Crime procedural featuring Kira Nerys
I’m reminded of a movie like Munich, where several members of a covert Israeli team hunt down the terrorists who were responsible for the Munich Olympic Massacre. What if Kira Nerys was involved in some sort of similar story, tasked by the new Bajoran government to bring Cardassians to justice who evaded it after the Federation arrived?
Jake Sisko in a Star Trek-Brockmire series where he explains baseball to aliens
Now, this may be too comical, but what if we get a series where Jake Sisko is trying to start a local baseball league on the station and on Bajor as a way to honor his father? Star Trek really doesn’t focus on too many real sports, so this could be a wonderful, at times light-hearted affair. Though, it’ll cover much deeper topics, like the baseball series Brockmire. While the show is centered around Jake Sisko teaching baseball to Vulcans, Klingons, and the like, it’s also about him dealing with the loss of his father and now his best friend; Nog.
Bashir MD
Why not have Julian Bashir and his partner Ezri Dax serving as the station’s medics, either as part of Starfleet or with Bajor’s government, all while also exploring the Gamma Quadrant? We got some Gamma Quadrant exploration but not a lot, and it’s arguably less known than the Delta Quadrant at this point.
A spy thriller with Elim Garak
This one is pretty self-descriptive. Just have Elim Garak screwing with Romulans in a game of cat and mouse.