Star Trek: Picard showed the USS Enterprise-F in its latest trailer.
Whenever something continues on and carries over a namesake, it’s always hard to have each iteration live up to the lofty expectation of the first. Having a ship span two hundred years and carrying at least eight different versions of a ship, you’re bound to have some clunkers in there. It’s the law of averages. Star Trek is not safe from there.
In Star Trek’s history, it has had eight ships bare the name Enterprise. There’s the Enterprise-NX, the first of its kind chronically. There’s the Enterprise, the first of its name chronologically. Then there’s the Enterprise-A, introduced in the closing moments of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. We later got the Enterprise-B to start Star Trek Generations, but it was basically rendered useless in the same film.
The Enterprise-C was introduced in The Next Generation episode “Yesterdays Enterprise”, and it was destroyed by Romulans. The Enterprise-D was introduced for The Next Generation while the Enterprise-F replaced it in Star Trek: First Contact.
The original, D, and E classes of the ship are often seen as the series’ best versions of the ship, though the NX, A, and C have their fans. So when we saw The Enterprise-F in the trailer for Star Trek: Picard’s final season, we finally got a chance to judge the ship for its design.
And it’s lacking.
What are our thoughts on Star Trek: Picard’s revelation of the USS Enterprise-F
The Enterprise-F isn’t bad it’s just unremarkable. It looks too much like the E-version of the ship, which I’m sure was the intent but my theory on why the ships have the fans they do is because they are all drastically different than one another. The A-version of the ship looks just like the original, so it didn’t have the same impact.
The Enterprise-C, introduced after the D, looked too much like the D-version and didn’t resonate as strongly with the fans. The F, likewise, looks too much like the E and therefore is utterly unremarkable.
It looks as if the Enterprise-NX and the USS Voyager had a baby. Again, not a bad thing but it makes it look too much like the Enterprise-E and therefore makes it feel like we’ve seen this before. That takes away from the excitement of it.