Star Trek: Prodigy could finally resolve a nearly 40-year-old storyline.
Star Trek isn’t one to leave a thread dangling for very long. They’re pretty good about it, actually. Yet, Star Trek: The Next Generation dropped the ball with the season one episode “Conspiracy”. The 25th episode of the season depicted an alien parasite taking over members of Starfleet, specifically higher ranking officials.
The crew won the day, and dispelled all of the known parasites, but the episode ended on a cliffhanger. A becon was sent out by the parasites before they were defeated, beckoning more to come to the system to furhter their takeover plans.
It was a huge deal at the time, but it never got a followup. Star Trek: Prodigy could finally resovle that storyline and in turn end the biggest lingering plot that the franchise as a whole has ever had.
They’d have to tone it down but Star Trek: Prodigy could totally close this plothole
The episode from TNG is among the most brutal and unnerving you’ll ever see, so to resolve the storyline, Prodigy would have to tone it down signifcantly when it comes to the body horror and gore, but considering Prodigy is only about a decade removed from the evnets of the first season of The Next Generation, it fits perfectly with how long these aliens may take to get to the Alpha Quadrant.
If you didn’t want to tone it down the follow up so much, you could do it with Lower Decks, which is set several years earlier than Prodigy. The only issue with that is that Lower Decks would play the whole thing for laughs and severly undercut the original’s terror of being unable to trust anyone you knew.
There isn’t a perfect option to followup the storyline, admiattedly, but Prodigy may serve as the best possibility.