Nicolas Cage made which side he’s on clear when it comes to Star Trek.
In an interview with The Old Way, Academy Award winning actor, Nicolas Cage, just discovered The Mandaloria.’s Pedro Pascal wanted to recruit him into Star Wars, specifically The Mandalorian. Unfortunately for Pascal and anyone else hoping to entice the actor into that part of the galaxy, Cage responded with a fast “no is the answer,” effectively shutting the door on any potential guest-starring roles in that universe.
Cage went on to specify that he “wasn’t really down” because he was a Trekkie. He added that he was “on the Enterprise” and that’s just where he rolled. The short interview was tweeted by Kevin Polowy, correspondent for Yahoo Entertainment.
Nicolas Cage does not want to be in The Mandalorian or the Star Wars universe (sorry, Pedro Pascal).
— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) January 7, 2023
"I'm a Trekkie. That's where I roll... I'm not in the Star Wars family. I'm in the Star Trek family."
Nicolas Cage said he grew up watching William Shatner as Captain Kirk
The actor had nothing but good things to say about Star Trek and the actors, adding that he thought Chris Pine was terrific in the role as Captain James T. Kirk in the rebooted movies that began in 2009. And he thought the movies were outstanding, though he didn’t specify if he was only referring to the J.J. Abrams’ remakes.
Before the interview ended, Cage clarified his position even further by saying “I’m not in the Star Wars family. I’m in the Star Trek family.” This was a nugget of information that no one knew about Cage, but it’s nice to know he’s into boldy going where no one has gone before. He talks a little more about what’s special about science fiction in the interview, which you can watch in the video above.