Star Trek: Strange New Worlds completed its first season as a successful new entry into the Star Trek franchise with Ethan Peck as Spock.
And while, to the audience, everything looked seemless and extremely well-done, we didn’t know that things weren’t so calm behind-the-scenes, especially for Ethan Peck who is playing Leonard Nimoy’s original role in Star Trek: The Original Series. As Spock, Peck had a lot of responsibiity to bring the character to life without making a mockery of him or becoming a poor imitation of Nimoy.
Peck, who spoke with TrekCentral, said the first season was very nerve-wracking for him even though he’d already been Spock in Star Trek: Discovery. On Strange New Worlds, he had much more screen time, and the series goes into more depth about Spock and his personal life. While The Original Series covered some of Spock’s personal life, it was limited to a few episodes like “Amok Time” and “This Side of Paradise.”
"“The first season was very nerve wracking for me. Yes, I had already been Spock in Discovery, but I took on what felt like a whole new magnitude of responsibility in Strange New Worlds because you get much more in-depth with Spock and his personal life. In The Original Series, it’s a little lighter. I think we go into more detail in Strange New Worlds. That felt like a huge responsibility. I was just nervous because i was being even more like Nimoy’s Spock in that final episode. I felt partcularly unsure of myself and doubtful.”"
Playing Spock fills Ethan Peck with wonder and honor.
Peck previously said that he was still grasping the reality of his situation, but it filled him with wonder and honor to be playing Spock. But along with that honor comes that sense of responsiblity as he has a lot of fans watching him.
Now, after the first season is done and he’s shown that he can carry the torch as Spock, the responsibility won’t let up because, as we all know, fans will still be watching every move to make sure that this Spock continues to bring honor to the character Leonard Nimoy portrayed for over forty-five years.