Star Trek looks at some of the most interesting Playmates action figures

Local "Trekkie" Shelba Bauermeister's Star Trek memorabilia collection includes action figures, greeting cards, mugs, posters and much more. She and her husband, Jim, will be attending William Shatner's show at Evansville's Victory Theatre, Wednesday night, April 3.2 Trekkie Portrait
Local "Trekkie" Shelba Bauermeister's Star Trek memorabilia collection includes action figures, greeting cards, mugs, posters and much more. She and her husband, Jim, will be attending William Shatner's show at Evansville's Victory Theatre, Wednesday night, April 3.2 Trekkie Portrait

Star Trek showcased some of the better and more obscure toys from Playmates’ line of figures over the years.

Star Trek and Playmates are back together. They have been for some time and have even released the first crop of action figures. The figures are featured from The Next Generation, the Wrath of Khan, Discovery, and eventually Prodigy.

They won’t be the only ones, however, as we hope that the Playmates line will eventually feature characters from Strange New Worlds, Picard, and classic shows like Voyager and Deep Space Nine. No series deserves the Playmates treatment more than Enterprise, however. They never got figures the first time around so they’re due.

With all the hoopla around the figures these days, it was neat to see that Star Trek’s official website brought some of the more impressive and harder-to-find figures to light. So, we’re going to look at some of the more unique offerings the article revealed. Feel free to tell us which, if any, Playmate figures you have that you think are rare and neat.

Star Trek highlights some of Playmates’ unique and best figures

Seeing Neelix in his little security outfit is a treat. Neelix was never known for wearing an official Starfleet uniform, as he was a member of the crew, but not a member of Starfleet. While his security figure exists, he only appeared in it a handful of times. Most notably in the iconic Voyager two-part episode, “Year of Hell”.

The article highlights the 9” dolls that were released as well, which prominently featured the Voyager crew. They were double the size of the usual 4.5” figures and were closer to the height of classic G.I. Joe action figures or Barbies.

Yet, the last one that really jumps out at me and the one I hoped to have never seen is the Tom Paris salamander monster figure.

Kill it. Kill it fire.