Star Trek: Picard is revealing just how many villains are actually Changelings

Patrick Steward as Picard and Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher in "Seventeen Seconds" Episode 303, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Patrick Steward as Picard and Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher in "Seventeen Seconds" Episode 303, Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Credit: Trae Patton/Paramount+. ©2021 Viacom, International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Picard has made everyone a Changeling at this point.

“You’re a Changeling! You’re a Changeling! Everyone is a Changeling!” If you watched Star Trek: Picard recently and saw just how many characters are actually Changelings, you may think Oprah somehow got her hands on the script for the last season of Star Trek: Picard.

Everyone is seemingly a Changeling, which actually does help resolve why Beverly Crusher told Jean-Luc Picard to basically trust no one. Though, why she thought that Picard could be trusted, and not a Changeling, is a giant plot hole.

We knew the Changelings would be part of the villains a couple of weeks ago when it was revealed that Star Trek Generations alumni Thomas Dekker was playing one of Deep Space Nine’s iconic villainous races. Yet, we didn’t know just how deep that specific villain vein ran. Now we do, with Terry Matalas confirming that Vadic, the core big-bad of the season, was in fact a Changeling herself.

Will Lore and Moriarty be part of the solution to the Changeling conflict?

We’re still pretty early into the season as far as the involvement of the evil hologram Moriarty and the evil triplet-brother of Data goes, but could they be aspects of the defense against the Changelings?

While Changelings can mimick any shape, as we’ve seen Odo do just that, there may be some way to differentiate a Changeling from an inorganic or even a hologram. With the third season being all about the espionage aspect, and the “who can you trust” dynamic, it may stand to reason that the hologram and android villains could be used as a way to fend off or even defeat the Changelings.

Or they could just be there to run amuck.