The Orville star, Chad Coleman, finally offers a glimmer of hope for fans.
Since The Orville wrapped season three, fans have been waiting on news of a renewal for the fourth season. #RenewtheOrville is a popular hashtag on Twitter, but information has been sparse. Series creator and star Seth MacFarlane has tweeted that the cast is eager to return for more episodes of the stellar sci-fi series, but Hulu executive Craig Erwich offered nothing but disappointment when he said there was nothing to share right now.
Now, Chad Coleman, who is currently guest-starring in Superman & Lois as villain Bruno Mannheim, has lifted some spirits by offering some positive news about the series when CinemaBlend asked him if he’d heard anything about The Orville.
"“We’re all in the loop and out of the loop. We think it’s gonna happen, but it’s still up in the air. There’s so much going on with all of these studios that it’s just like, ‘Well, we gotta settle this thing first, then we can really decide on that thing.’ A bunch of that is going on. We hope so. Seth has an amazing relationship with Dana [Walden] and with Disney, who’s running it now. And they said they’ve had promising meetings, so we’ll see.”"
The news from Chad Coleman offers two-fold excitement.
One, The Orville definitively has not been cancelled. And two, he confirms that he remains committed to the series should it be renewed just like MacFarlane said.
And speaking of Macfarlane again, he is still actively promoting The Orville on his Twitter page with a recent shoutout to the US Navy. He told the Navy that their ships were cool and offered a picture of one of The Orville’s ships, too, which are just as cool.
Your ships are cool. We also have ships. Here is one of our ships. #TheOrville
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) March 15, 2023
So, yes, we’re all still holding our breaths, anxiously awaiting the news from Hulu and Disney+ as to whether we’ll see more of The Orville, but at least we know there are somewhat positive steps being taken. As long as meetings are going on, the series hasn’t been cast aside.